Nestled somewhere deep in an enchanted forest, surrounded by giant toadstools, is a sparkling Pragmatic Play creation known as Rainbow Gold. Presided over by a lucky leprechaun, this high volatility Irish-themed slot is filled with potential, but only if the right symbols magically align.
A cheerful tune, filled with the sound of pipes and pianos, plays as you spin the five reels and 25 winlines of Rainbow Gold. Irish iconography fills each reel’s three rows and, if you can match three or symbols, you could get prizes worth between 0.5x and 20x your spin. It’s a charming adventure in an enchanted forest. However, to experience the true magic of Rainbow Gold and get maximum value from its 96.45% RTP, you need to trigger its bonus feature.
Find the pot of gold in the mystical forest in Pragmatic Play's Rainbow Gold slot game!
The Rainbow Gold slot game features a special spot at the top of each reel where prize symbols are collected. They’re basically pots where prizes are stocked up until the leprechaun appears.
When the leprechaun lands, he’ll release prizes from that reel’s top tracker ranging from coins to the Rainbow Gold slot free spins bonus. However, this isn’t any old free spin bonus; it’s a super spins bonus where coins and multipliers can push the prizes up to a magical 5,000x.
Spin symbols into magical prizes with a lucky leprechaun.
A charming journey through lush green fields will lead you to your very own pot of gold.